Return Date END OF OCT✨ Return Date END OF OCT ✨


November Printable - Dark Forest

November Printable - Dark Forest

Hello everyone! 

Hope you are all fantastic on this fine autumn morning or spring evening, to those living on the southern hemisphere! We are all very well and enjoying one of our favourite months of the year. There is something quite special with November, it's cosy and heartwarming. It's cold but not too cold. You can almost feel the festivity in the air. Ah, we love November! 

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October Printable - Fluttering Leaves

October Printable - Fluttering Leaves

Hello everyone! 

How have you been? Hope you are all well and enjoying the beginning of autumn! We love the beautiful colours of this magical season, from vibrant yellow to amber orange and burgundy red. It is truly one of our favourite times of year! 

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September Printable - Library Studies

September Printable - Library Studies

Hello everyone! 

How are you all keeping? We hope that all is well with you and that you are enjoying the last days of summer! There is a definite chill in the air now, which means only one thing - autumn is nearly here! Yay! Time to get our hats and scarves out!

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August Printable - Running to the Sea

August Printable - Running to the Sea

Hello everyone! 

Unfortunately, since last Sunday we have been having problems with our Instagram account. We have no idea why this has happened and are in talks with Instagram as we speak. Hopefully this problem will be sorted out asap. Fingers crossed!

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June Printable - Lavender

June Printable - Lavender

Hello everyone! 

As I am writing this the sun is streaming into my office and the birds are chirping happily outside. I have my journal in front of me, a cup of tea and for the first time in a while I feel hopeful. A bit of sun does lovely things to you, doesn't it? 

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